Meets every Sunday
10.30am Family Service
6pm Encounter meetings
4.30pm – 5.30pm Prayer time
Entry door via 31 Stafford St, behind Craig Paddon building
Dunedin, New Zealand. (Please park on street.)
A place to worship Jesus together
Every kind of living creature
that swarms
Will live wherever the river flows,
And there will be a huge number
of fish because this water goes there.
Since the waters will be healed,
Everywhere the river goes,
There will be life.
Ezekiel 47.9
Meets every Sunday
10.30am Family Service
6pm Encounter meetings
4.30pm – 5.30pm Prayer time
Entry door via 31 Stafford St, behind Craig Paddon building
Dunedin, New Zealand. (Please park on street.)
Prayer Ministry
Music & Singing
Bible-based Teaching
Equippers School
Pastor John Watson: Ph 03 455 8882 or 021 1237195
Mark & Jan Nimmo: 027 5553331
Bringing faith, hope and love
to the city of Dunedin